poniedziałek, 18 czerwca 2012

How to drink vodka like a Pole.

Jak pić wódkę jak Polak wg Lonely Planet.

In Poland, drinking is a publick affair; always ensure you have a group of friends with you to share your vodka. Poles don't drink vodka in coctail form or diluted with a mixer. In fact, to traditionalists,
these practices are considered practically criminal. 
Vodka is drunk neat, chilled ( but without ice) and usually in measurements of 50ml. 

The most common toast is na zdrowie (pronounced 'naz-dro-v-yeh' ), meaning 'to health'.
Vodka is always drunk in one gulp or 'do dna' ('to the bottom'), regardless of size.
Drinks are immediately refilled, so take some time between each toast to sip some water or have
a Polish snack, such as pickles or sausage.
Be warned : if you're a guest in someone's house, your host will expect the bottle to be empty
before you leave.
Drink responsibly ! Unless you're Russian, never to out-drink a Pole. Miss a few turns or sip your
drink in stages.

public affair      [`pʌblɪk  ə`feə] sprawa publiczna
ensure              [ɪn`ʃuə ] zapewniać, gwarantować
dilute with        [daɪ`lu:t  wɪð] rozcieńczać z
neat                 [ni:t] czysty, bez domieszek
chilled              [tʃɪld ] schłodzony
measurement    [`meʒəmənt]  miara
toast                [təust] toast (też grzanka)
gulp                 [gʌlp]  łyk
regardless        [rɪ`ga:dlɪs] niezależnie
refill                 [`ri:fɪl] powtórnie napełniać, dolewać
sip                   [sɪp]  sączyć, popić
pickle              [`pɪkl] pikle
host                 [ həust ] gospodarz,pan domu
unless              [ʌn`les] chyba,że nie
out-drink         [ aut drɪŋk ]  pozostać względnie trzeźwym podczas gdy
                       druga osoba się upija
turn                 [ tə:n ] kolejka
stage               [ steɪdʒ ] etap

sobota, 16 czerwca 2012

How to make knedliky ?

Najlepiej  z… drużyny czeskiej 

Przepis podobno prosty:
1 cup warm water
1 tsp active yeast
1 tsp salt
1 egg
1 tsp sugar
Start with 2 cups BREAD flour!! Add more flour till you get firm, non sticky dough.
Let it sit, till double.
Work it down again, you may add more bread flour to get non stick dough again.
Make a dumpling to your preferred size, put on cutting board dusted with flour, 
cover with piece of cloth and let the dough rise again, but not as long as before.
I do like my dumplings dry, so I do use "fish poacher" to steam them. I do not use any bread cubes
They are done after 24 minutes, open steamer slowly, cut dumplings with a thread.
Enjoy        forum  myczechrepublic.com

tsp = teaspoon          [`ti:spu:n] łyżeczka do herbaty
active yeast               [ æktɪv   ji:st]  aktywne drożdże !!
firm                           [fə:m ] sprężysty, zwarty
sticky                        [`stɪkɪ ] lepki, kleisty
dough                       [dəu ] ciasto
cutting board             [ kʌtɪŋ   bo:d ] deska do krojenia
dust                          [dʌst]  sypać
cloth                         [ kloθ ] szmatka
fish poacher              [ fɪʃ  pəutʃə ]  naczynie do gotowania ryb
steam                        [ sti:m ] parować
steamer                     [`sti:mə ] naczynie do gotowania na parze
bread cubes              [bred  kjubz ]   chlebowe kostki
thread                        [θred]   nić

środa, 13 czerwca 2012

Ferret fashion.

Euro 2012 ? Czas zmienic temat na …fretki. Urocze zwierzątka z charakterem.
Takie napisy można przeczytać na ich wypasionych ubrankach.

Steal and stash it.
Dance and dook.
La La La I’m not listening.
Chaos, Mayhem, Disorder. My work here is done.
Hop it
Danger. Use extreme caution when handling.
Small but dangerous
I could kick your dogs  ass.
I’m not a rodent. I eat rodents.
Just hands over the treats. Nobody gets hurt.
Warning. Containes mischief.
Mmm socks.
Yes, I’m visious. I smell. I bite. Now back off.
Don’t cross me.
Run, rabbit, run
Sock thief
Do not underestimate the power of dookside.
Next plan world domination
Saw it. Want it.Threw a hissy fit. Got it.

stash             [ stæʃ ] chować na potem, ukrywać
dook             [duk] dźwięk wydawany przez fretki
mayhem        [`meɪhem ] zamęt, zamieszanie
handling        [`hændlɪŋ ]  obsługa
rodent           [`rəudnt ] gryzoń
treat              [trit]  poczęstunek, smakołyk
mischief         [`mɪstʃɪf ] szkoda,psota, tarapaty
visious           [vɪʃəs ]        złosliwy
back off         [bæk  ɔf ]       pozostawać w dystansie, z łapami precz
cross             [kros]   denerwować się, gniewać
underestimate  [ʌndər`etɪmeɪt ] nie doceniać
hissy fit            [ `hɪzɪ fɪt ]        wybuch wściekłości


wtorek, 12 czerwca 2012

Football chants

Były angielski piłkarz Sol Campbell obejrzał materiał BBC I przerażony rzekł :
"Stay at home, watch it (Euro 2012) on TV. Don't even risk it… because you could
end up coming back in a coffin." Ciekawość rodaków jednak zwyciężyła .Śpiewają:

We're On The P_ss          lyrics
Footie fan We're on the p_ss,
And we're having a laugh ….

 Come On England           lyrics

Footie fan Come on England! …..

Rule Britannia                  lyrics

Footie fan Rule Britannia!
Britannia rule the waves.
Brittons never, never, never shall be slaves.


Who The F_ _king 'ell Are You?         lyrics

Footie fan Who the f_ _k,
Who the f_ _k,
Who the f_ _king 'ell are you?
Who the f_ _king 'ell are you? 

One Bobby Robson                lyrics

Footie fan One Bobby Robson,
There's only one Bobby Robson,
Walking along,
Singing a song,
Walking in A Robson wonderland 

Jeśli ktoś ma ochotę posłuchać,niech zerknie na stronkę

lub wgogluje: football fan chants    

end up     [end ʌp ] skończyć
coffin       [`kofɪn] trumna   
footie       [ˈfuti]  piłka nożna
be on the piss    [ bi on ðə pɪs ]   pić alcohol
have a laugh      [ hæv e la:f ] uśmiać się
rule                   [ ru:l ]  rządzić
wave                [weɪv]  fala
slave                 [ sleɪv]  niewolnik
'ell = hell           [ hel] piekło
Bobby Robson - Sir Robert William Robson- angielski piłkarz i trener piłkarski.
Był jednym z najbardziej utytułowanych szkoleniowców na świecie.
wonderland        [`wʌndəlænd]  kraina czarów

Rowan,ale nie Atkinson


“Daily Star” 9 czerwca odkrył,że polska piosenka eventowa na Euro’12  propaguje zażywanie
kokainy. Czy czytelnicy wybronili Jarzębinę ?

?Koko? is the sound made by a chicken in polish and ''koka'' is polish slang for cocaine. You say "cluck cluck" and we say ''koko koko'' in Poland.
The song is not that bad. My daughter loves  it.

Are you serious?
Oh duuuude....       
before you write something AGAINST US BETTER FIND OUT WHAT IS IT ABOUT
Do you really want to play dirty?
Better don't write things like that, that's abusive to us!

  You are so silly, 'Koko' is the voice of hen. I've never thought that english journalists are so stupid. Maybe first you should check and then write.   

Are you kidding me?! Cocaine? You, people, need some psychiatric help for sure. Ok, so let me explain you cause you didn't come up with the idea of asking ANYBODY: KOKO KOKO is actually what a HEN/CHICKEN does! (..)
And one more thing about drugs -stop taking yours, Daily Star.

This article is so funny!! :D Oh yeah!! :D Every young person who understands the song will definitely listen to folk music performed by 60 yrs old women just to get encouraged and try some cocaine, ha ha!! And every young person would definitely choose this song over "Because I got high" by Afroman!! :D haha, does anybody recall the lyrics "I was gonna clean my room until I got high; I was gonna get up and find the broom but then I got high, my room is still messed up and I know why (why man?) yea heyy, - cause I got high..."

And a message to Michal, who left a comment : Michal, I don't think that Mr. Gerard Allen is to blame for this ridiculous article, but editor in chief who allowed it.
p.s the word for cocaine is "koka", not "koko".
p.s. 2. Call us old fashioned but in Poland we choose vodka over cocaine :P ... and even songs won't change it

made by       [meɪd   baɪ ]    stworzony przez
cocaine        [kə`keɪn]      kokaina
duuuude....    [ du:d ]  koleś
find out         [fɑɪnd  ]  dowiedzieć się

play dirty       [pleɪ  `də:tɪ]   być nie w porządku
abusive          [ə`bju:sɪv]  obraźliwy
voice             [voɪs]  głos
hen                [hen]  kura
kid                [kɪd]  nabierać
come up  with        [kʌm   ʌp wɪθ ]   wymyślać, proponować
definitely                [  defɪnətli  ]    zdecydowanie, wyraźnie
performed              [pə`fo:md ]    wykonywany
yrs     skrót od  -years
get encouraged        [ get  ɪn'kʌrɪdʒd ]      zachęcony
 choose  over           [tʃuz    əʊ.və ]  woleć,przedkładać coś ponad…
 I got high                [ aj got haɪ ]   zjarałem się
 recall                      [`ri:kol ] przypominać
 broom                    [ brum ]  miotła
 blame                     [ bleɪm ]  winić
 ridiculous                [rɪ'dɪkjələs ] śmieszny, absurdalny
 editor in chief          [ edɪtə ɪn ʃef  ] redactor naczelny
 old fashioned          [ əuld fæʃənd ]  staromodny