Najlepiej z… drużyny czeskiej
Przepis podobno prosty:
1 cup warm water
1 tsp active yeast
1 tsp salt
1 egg
1 tsp sugar
Start with 2 cups BREAD flour!! Add more flour till you get firm, non sticky dough.
Let it sit, till double.
Work it down again, you may add more bread flour to get non stick dough again.
Make a dumpling to your preferred size, put on cutting board dusted with flour,
1 tsp active yeast
1 tsp salt
1 egg
1 tsp sugar
Start with 2 cups BREAD flour!! Add more flour till you get firm, non sticky dough.
Let it sit, till double.
Work it down again, you may add more bread flour to get non stick dough again.
Make a dumpling to your preferred size, put on cutting board dusted with flour,
cover with piece of cloth and let the dough
rise again, but not as long as before.
I do like my dumplings dry, so I do use "fish poacher" to steam them. I do not use any bread cubes.
I do like my dumplings dry, so I do use "fish poacher" to steam them. I do not use any bread cubes.
They are done after 24 minutes, open steamer slowly, cut dumplings with
a thread.
Enjoy forum
Enjoy forum
tsp =
teaspoon [`ti:spu:n] łyżeczka do herbaty
active yeast [ æktɪv ji:st] aktywne drożdże !!
active yeast [ æktɪv ji:st] aktywne drożdże !!
firm [fə:m ] sprężysty, zwarty
sticky [`stɪkɪ ] lepki, kleisty
dough [dəu
] ciasto
cutting board [ kʌtɪŋ bo:d ] deska do krojenia
dust [dʌst] sypać
cloth [ kloθ ] szmatka
fish poacher [ fɪʃ pəutʃə ] naczynie do gotowania ryb
steam [ sti:m ] parować
steamer [`sti:mə ] naczynie do gotowania na parze
bread cubes [bred kjubz ]
chlebowe kostki
thread [θred] nić
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