sobota, 8 września 2012

Have some fun this September

1.Put a small drop of food coloring in center of toothbrush. 
Make sure to use the same color as the bristles.
Add some salt, it will make the color stay longer.

2.Superglue shampoo lid shut. It will make people have to unscrew the lid.

3.Paint soap with clear fingernail polish and leave in the shower! 

4.Fill the toothpaste tip with mustard, or you could seal it with glue 
and poke holes on the tube so when victim squeezes, it oozes everywhere!

5.Add some yellow food coloring to water, and sprinkle it liberally all over
the toilet seat and on the floor around the toilet. 
The victim will think someone has terrible aim!

6.Find someone who has shampoo that is not in a clear bottle. 
Squeeze all the shampoo out!  Replace with dye (black is the biggest shock)

7.Glue down all of someone's make-up to the counter.

8.Place a handful of baby powder inside the victim's blow dryer.
Then sit back and wait for him or her to turn it on!

drop                 [drop] kropla
food coloring    [ fud `kʌlərɪŋ ]
bristle               [`brɪsl ] szczecina
superglue          [`su:pə glu] ] kleić klejem superglue
lid                     [ lɪd]  wieczko, pokrywka
unscrew            [ ʌnskru:] odkręcać
clear fingernail polish  [ klɪə   fɪngəneɪl  polɪʃ ] bezbarwny lakier do paznokci
seal                            [ si:l] szczelnie zamykać
poke                          [ pəuk] dźgać, nakłuwać
squeeze                      [ skwi:z] ściskać, wyciskać
ooze                           [ u:z] wyciekać
sprinkle                       ['sprɪŋkl ] spryskiwać
liberally                       [`lɪbərlɪ ] hojnie
dye                             [ dɑɪ] farba
glue down                   [ glu daun ] naklejać
counter                       [`kauntə ] kontuar
blow drier                   [ bləu drɑɪə] suszarka

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