Apple Specialist Interview Questions
"If you were a pizza deliveryman how would you benefit from scissors?"
-I’d offer to make the pieces smaller for the kids
-Use scissors to make change of a five dollar bill.
-Shave between deliveries.
-Use as a car window escape tool if I accidentally drive off a pier.
-If clean, offer to remove unwanted toppings with the scissors rather than going back
-Use as a car window escape tool if I accidentally drive off a pier.
-If clean, offer to remove unwanted toppings with the scissors rather than going back
for a second pizza.
-Pizza box origami.
-Self-defense from dogs at the gate or bad people.
-Fun monocle.
-Cut curbside flowers en route,offer them to attractive people along with pizza,
-Pizza box origami.
-Self-defense from dogs at the gate or bad people.
-Fun monocle.
-Cut curbside flowers en route,offer them to attractive people along with pizza,
hope for bigger tip.
-Freeing my hair from the door Jake Ryan slammed when he was calling Samantha.
-Tie each half to bottom of shoes on icy day—skating deliveries.
-Use crushed eyeliner and tip of scissors like a quill if someone doesn't have a pen to
-Freeing my hair from the door Jake Ryan slammed when he was calling Samantha.
-Tie each half to bottom of shoes on icy day—skating deliveries.
-Use crushed eyeliner and tip of scissors like a quill if someone doesn't have a pen to
sign the credit card slip.
-Mirror: spruce up, see who's behind you, replacement for rearview, SOS signaling,
-Mirror: spruce up, see who's behind you, replacement for rearview, SOS signaling,
calming angry birds.
-Shoelace + scissors = jewelry.
-Straight edge for graffiti art.
-Compass to draw perfect circles, which could also be used in aforesaid art.
-Shoelace + scissors = jewelry.
-Straight edge for graffiti art.
-Compass to draw perfect circles, which could also be used in aforesaid art.
-More useful, though, on city map to
specify pizza delivery area.
-I would ask customers,what is the best way to benefit
from a scisors in a pizza job.
-With my 10 years
in industry experience (insert your career here),college education
and multiple
industry certifications and the best job I could land is a pizza delivery boy,
I'd stab myself in the eye.
-I would sell the scissors
oddball [`odbo:l] dziwny,
drive off [drɑɪv of] odjechać, zjechać
pier [pɪə(r)]
monocle [`monəkl]
curbside [kə:bsaɪd] bok krawężnika
tip [tɪp] napiwek
slam [slæm] trzaskać drzwiami
quill [kwɪl]
ptasie pióro do pisania
spruce up [spru:s ʌp]
wystroić się
compass [`kʌmpəs] cyrkiel
aforesaid [ə`fo:sed] wspomniany wyżej