1) The “Lurker” -Never posts anything or comments on your post, but reads
everything, and might make reference to your status if they see you in public.
2) The “Hyena” -Doesn’t ever really say anything, just LOLs and LMAOs
at everything.
3) “Mr/Ms Popular” -Has 4…367 friends for NO reason.
4) The “Gamer” -Plays Words With Friends, Mafia Wars, Bakes virtual cakes
and stuff, etc., ALL DAY, EVERYDAY.
5) The “Prophet” -Every post makes reference to God or Jesus.
6) The “Thief” -Steals status updates and posts them as their own.
7) The “Cynic” -Hates their life, and everything in it, as evidenced by the
somber tone in ALL of their status updates.
8)The “Collector” -Never posts anything either, but joins every group, and
becomes fans of the most random stuff.
9) The “Promoter” -Always sends event invitations to things that you
ultimately delete or ignore.
10) The “Liker” -Never actually says anything, but always clicks the“like”
button.“Liking” all of your photos, check-ins, statuses, and new friends.
11) The “Hater” -Every post revolves around someone hating on them,
and they swear people are trying to ruin their life.
12) The “Anti-Proofreader” -This person would benefit greatly from
spell check, and sometimes you feel bad for them because you don’t know
if they were typing fast, or really can’t spell.
13) “Drama Queen/King” -This person always posts stuff like :
“I can’t believe this!”, or “They gonna make me snap today!”, in the hopes
that you will ask what happened, or what’s wrong but then they never
finish telling the story.
14) “Womp Womp” -This person consistently tries to be funny…but never is.
15) The “News” -Always updates you on what they are doing and
who they are doing it with, no matter how arbitrary.
16) The “Rooster” -Feels that it is their job to tell Facebook “Good Morning”
every day.
17) The “Attention Seeker”- this is the person usually female(you know the ones)
that feel it necessary to post pictures of themselves on Facebook two to three times
a day in the hopes that someone will tell them they’re pretty or like the pic..
I mean come on is it really that important to get approval?
lurker [lə:ke] przyczajony
LMAOs = laughing my ass off “śmiać się do rozpuku”
make reference
[meɪk `refrəns] robić odwołanie
updates [`steɪtəs ʌp`deɪt
] aktualizacja statusów
somber tone [`sombə təʊn] ponury ton/brzmienie
random staff
[`rændəm sta:f ] przypadkowe
ultimately [`ʌltɪmɪtlɪ] ostatecznie, w końcu
check-in [tʃek
ɪn ] informacja o
lokalizacji użytkownika facebooka
revolve [rɪ'volv] obracać się, krążyć
swear [
swer] przysięgać
spell check [spel tʃek ] sprawdzanie literowania/pisowni
make somebody snap [meɪk
sʌmbədɪ snæp] irytować , wkurzać kogoś
womp womp [ womp ] dźwięk pojawiający się w teleturniejach wskazujący
na przegraną
na przegraną
update [
ʌp`deɪt ] na nowo informować
arbitrary [`a:bɪtrərɪ]
rooster [`ru:stə ] kogut
approval [ə'pruvl] uznanie
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