Allegedly it’s a story told by a Kansas State Highway Patrol officer. — John Ewing
“Recently I made a traffic stop on an elderly lady the other day for speeding on
U.S. 166 Eastbound at Mile Marker 73 just East of Sedan, Kansas.
I asked for her driver’s license, registration, and proof of insurance.
The lady took out the required information and handed it to me. In with the cards
I was somewhat surprised due to her advanced age to see she had a conceal carry
permit. I looked at her and asked if she had a weapon in her possession at this time.
She responded that she indeed had a 45 automatic in her glove box.
Something — body language, or the way she said it —made me want to ask if she
had any other firearms. She did admit to also having a 9mm Glock in her center
console. Now I had to ask one more time if that was all. She responded once again
that she did have just one more, a .38 special in her purse.
I then asked her what was she so afraid of.
She looked me right in the eye and said, “Not a fucking thing!”
allegedly [ə`ledʒɪdlɪ] rzekomo, przypuszczalnie
required [rɪ`kwaɪərd ] odpowiednie,
in with the cards – zaglądając do środka dokumentów
conceal [kən'sil] – utajniony
permit [pə`mɪt] pozwolenie
concealed carry, or CCW (carrying a concealed weapon), refers to the
either on one's person or in proximity.
admit [əd`mɪt] przyznać
[`konsəul] pulpit sterowniczy
Ma Dalton and 38 special.
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